Sunday, August 9, 2009


It's mother-flipping shark week. Well technically today is the last day, but personally I think everyday is a day for sharks. Because they're awesome. I also found this shirt. You should buy it. Oh and the people who are all like " but jeremy it isn't even T-shirt Tuesday!! I'm so confused!!"
Just chill. This is totally different O.K!

Stay pretty portland.

Friday, August 7, 2009

this modern day and age

Dear seven followers. Have you ever realized that maybe people that are older than you, or people that are younger than you aren't that really different than the people you hang out with normally after all ? I spent tonight around my 85 year old grandfather and his 70+ year old friends and i can in all honesty say, that i haven't laughed that hard in a long time. To be more precise, I haven't met someone of that age who i could actually identify with other than those directly related to me. It was really refreshing to know that hopefully when I'm that age I can look at the 18 year olds around me and make a joke about testicles and know that they'll laugh about it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

new painting thingy

I worked hard on this and it still didn't come out like i wanted it to in my brain.
Stay pretty you guys.

music times

so there's this guy named Jeffrey Jerusalem ( that's not really his last name but it's what he goes by) and he makes this music and it kind of sounds like this --
It is actually the most danceable music I've heard since i went and saw that one band that you can dance to, really well. Mixing equal parts disco, funk, techno, and all out awesomeness his music actually made me want to dance from the very first note. He looks like this guy-->

For serious though He's going to be big. Like BIG BIG.
Stay pretty

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's happening on the bus right. Now

A woman just dropped all of her Fritos. She is now swearing profusely. Two teenage girls are saying, and I quote " oh my gaww I would like ,hate to die." A baby is screaming nonstop about his pee pee hurting. The guy who eats his hair ( his name is bobby) is looking at the baby like an appetizer. The mother is counting how many ciggarettes she has, and I am getting proggresively more nervous that bobby is going to eat the babies fingers that are waving in his face. OH! And the bus smells like poop. Alot. Stay pretty.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

new art and stuff and junk

new stuff that I did. It came out all right. The first one was for serious work the second one was for play, play.

That's it for now. Stay pretty

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's a sport. Just like laser tag

So did you know their is a secret society of largely young adults, who protect the human race by wrestling bears? It's their sport of choice, just like normal people choose baseball, or football or other lame sports. Except those sports don't involve bears. Christopher Walken is a member, as was the late great JFK. Read more about it here-->

For realsies?!?

So guess what I just heard from someone on the bus? There making a street car from Lake Oswego to Portland city center. I know what you're thinking," but jeremy that's just some random person on the bus! He was probably lying to you." you would be right to if it weren't for the fact that the guy was a legit Trimet engineer. Needless to say I'm more freaking excited than a shark at a pig swimming covention. Yes it does make sense. Stay pretty

Monday, July 6, 2009

Artist time

So there's this artist named Jessie Rose Valla who's art I just saw at stumptown coffee on third, and I was absolutely flabergasted. The tryptich that he drew was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Check out his website, at

Sunday, July 5, 2009

hooray for blowing things up.

So guess what ? Yesterday was annual blowing things up day! otherwise known as the fourth of July. So we went to my uncles Fiances sons house and ate a butt load of food and set of lots, and lots of illegal fireworks. Like the kind you have to put a tarp over when you drive because you can be pulled over for them. The kind that are so loud they make your chest shake, and your eyeballs melt.
Needless to say it was freaking awesome. Here are some pictures.

Stay pretty!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

motherflipping t-shirt tuesday is back with a vengeance ya'll dipsticks!

check this one out it's super rad. It's by the creative group Ghostshrimp, who are based out of California, and also draw the amazing animated show Flapjack, for Cartoon Network. This is there website--> I'm not exactly sure what the shirt is about but I heart the design.

Oh and by the way, Portland is having bizarrely wondrous weather but don't tell anyone or we might get tourists. And nobody wants them to be here.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Excuse me but I believe you're in the wrong era

A woman on my bus just said that doritos and chocolate milk go together like black people and fried chicken. Extremly offensive? Yes. A tiny bit funny? Yeah ok, a tiny bit. Now we just got swarmed by little kids who are talking about the stuffed whales in there backpacks. They also have slinkies. And just like the aforementioned woman it's a tiny bit funny.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bus bus bus bus

There are very interesting people on the bus. ALWAYS. The guy who eats his own hair, isn't on today ( lame) but we do have a lady screaming about how her tacos aren't ripe, and another guy who's actually wearing pants that look solely made out of foil, ducttape, and the hopes and dreams that he may one day become a robot. He could just be gearing up for transformers, but that would kind of be a let down

Sunday, June 21, 2009

So I just realized that I can blog from my phone. Hooray! By the way did you know super fest is coming up? Yah it's gonna be awesome.the actual festival is at Rotture on the twenty seventh and twenty eighth and it's a massive collection of electronically minded musicians getting together and playing some far out music. It should be totally rad. I don't know how much it is though so you're gonna have to figure that out on your own. Stay pretty. Jeremy

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

why is this guy so god damn smug, when he's getting destroyed on national telivision?

Seriously though, i just want to punch his teeth out. It seems silly that anyone in the news is actually caring about this, but apparently people are. What I'm curious about is why does Sarah Palin need someone to tell people how she's feeling? does she not have vocal chords?
Oh that's right, it's probably because this guy is doing such a good job at talking for her.
Except not.
Stay pretty portland.

Things happen faster than you think they should

So I'm gonna try really hard to start bloging more. I know it doesn't really matter since no one will take this seriously until i get an actual website, but it makes me feel better. i wanted you guys to know that There's a really good show going on Saturday at the green house in portland , involving Blue skies for black hearts, and welcome home walker.....And us, but who's counting? You all should come cause it's free.
stay pretty

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

it's all emotional and stuff

So the end of the school year is coming, and that means that there is no more high school for me. To be completely honest, it's really weird to think about. I've been in this place for two years and before that i was at a different school for two years. I've had over twenty people teach me different things, most of which i will in all likelyhood, never remember. Some of the teachers were bad. Some were good (Shout out to MARLO!) but most of the time i used high school as a social network. I have alot of friends (or at I like to think so) but i don't see alot of them outside of school. So with two days left I've been trying to say hi to all of them and talk to as many people as possible. I don't think that I'll be able to see them all though, and I'm not sure if I'm really O'K with this. Highschools been many things to me, but it sure has never been boring.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that school has been alot of emotions, and work, and sitting through assemblies that were terrible, but in the end I am really going to miss it...... EXCEPT NOT! I can't wait to get out of here. May fools day!
And I got all of my friends phone numbers so it's gonna be one fun summer!
Except the whole work thing. Oh well.
Stay pretty

Thursday, May 21, 2009

sorry mom

yeah so i haven't posted in a whole eighteen days and apparently that is way too many days, for all five followers. So here's the deal. I've been sort of busy, is the excuse I'm gonna go with on this one. Here's what I've been doing.
In bullet points. Ready?
Here we go.
  • I saw No Age, a really good band. Pictures will be up soon.
  • Went to the U.F.O festival and saw crazy people and crazy vans.
  • Played on train tracks at the U.F.O festival.
  • practiced with my band ALOT.
  • Worked in the mornings before school, which is always fun (too bad sarcasm doesn't work on the interwebs)
  • Sitting in my room painting.
  • I graduate from this weird thing called high school in about 4 days. But who's counting?
  • Going to Mount Tabor with my friends and laying in the sun while people play guitar.
  • Planning a tour/camping trip with all my bros.
  • badmouthing Kanye!
  • Partying on the moon.
  • Not really but I can always dream can't I?
  • CANT I?!?!?!?

That's it for now. Stay pretty.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

i reallly really really really really really really reallllllllly think that someone should let me do an artshow at their gallery/coffeshop/anywhere

For serious though, i have been doing a crap ton of new art and it seems like no one is paying any attention so I'm going to post it and then say ha! you have to look at it now. So there five followers! (half of which are my family)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

i think this is turning in to a problem.

i almost squealed like a little girl when i saw this. I realized i was in the middle of a class though so i decided not to.

Monday, April 27, 2009

we have the technology

what do you get when you cross an eagle and a lion?
The ultimate predator. It breathes fire too.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Artists profile- A.J Fosik

Crafting amazing diety like sculptures out of wood, nails and paint, A.J Fosik's work is something to stare at for hours and never get bored with. Here's just one of his peices.
Yes is is beautiful. Here is his flicker pager.--->
Stap pretty.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

yeah i did that.

This is what i do when I'm bored in class.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


He's all like " Whoa my bad bro!" and cute and stuff

t-shirt wednsday?

It's not nearly as rhyme oriented but I completly forgot to post yesterday (thank you julie!) so here are some awesome ones.

The second is by
That's it for now. Stay pretty

Monday, April 20, 2009


not like pharmaceuticals, but the technological thing, you can draw with. I'm using one right now, and I'm not sure whether to love it or hate it. The style I'm getting is alot more sketchy than my usual drawings, but it's kind of interesting to look at. Using it is nothing like using actual pen and paper, but it's not that different from painting, in that it's difficult and really annoyinh if you mess up.
Over all I give them a five out of ten.
Near my school we also have eagles nesting and it's really cool to see them flying around.
That's it for now.
Stay pretty

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I heart Sam Rockwell

He has this new movie that looks absolutely amazing. Here's a link to the trailer.

I'm almost as pumped for this as i am for Where the wild things are.

Here's the trailer onYoutube-->

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I've got nothing better to do

I took a trip to Philadelphia for an entire week but who's talking?
If you don't know, I'm an Irish dancer and I spent the week at the world championships in Philadelphia, freaking out, and then dancing. If you're not aware (a staggering number of people are ) Irish dance is actually a huge sport. It's also amazing, and tiring, and stressful, and facetious, and all around one of the most mentally, and physicaly exhausting things you can choose to committ yourself too.
I love it more than I could possibly describe in words.
After eleven years of doing it though, I had decided that for some reason, this was going to be my last competition. I think it was because, after dealing with all of the emotional baggage that comes with dance i was just tired. I was done with doing it for the judges, or for my teacher or for my parents. While I tried to convince myself that really in the end I was doing it for myself, I really was doing it for them. What had started out in the beginning as something that made me so happy i couldn't stop moving my feet, had turned into something I didn't want it to be.
It stopped being fun.
So I set a personal goal of just dancing the best I could at Worlds and really not caring what the others said, and I worked.
I worked, and worked, and worked.
And when i got to the competition i really felt like I was ready to get up on that stage and just show everyone how much I had improved. It suddenly became about me again. Not anyone else. Then it suddenly became fun again, and i can't tell you how amazing it was to walk on to that stage and see all of my friends and my mom up on the balcony, rooting for me.I finally figured out why I danced for them.Because it made me fell so happy to have people who no matter what you do in life, they support you. As long as you put one hundred percent in to it they'll be on your side. I felt like I could do anything. I didn't care about the judges. I was not afraid of the other people I was dancing with, I was just happy that i was dancing.
In the end I didn't do very well. But it didn't matter to me because I had accomplished my goal. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue doing majors, or if I'm even going to continue really doing competitions at all, but what I do know is that I got what i wanted back.
I got back my happy feet.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

i loled my pants

Dune is one of my favorite books, and i just found this T-shirt

You can buy it here--->

wait, this can't be right

Some fancy pants politician just recently said, that instead of something being done to the famous Made in Oregon light up sign with a deer on it, or instead of just keeping it the way it is, we should just take it down. She said that her reasoning behind this, was the fact that the deer is of course a symbol of christmas and so it might offend people of different religions.
Last time i checked deers don't have a whole lot to do with the birth of Christ.
Personally it seems like changing the sign so that it says anything other than what it has said for such a long time, is just silly. Like taking Powells bookstore, and changing it to the Portland state bookstore. It's a landmark and changing it jsut confuses people, and makes the ones who actually knew what it was before it changed, just not want to live here for fear of having all the famous landmarks changed.
That's my opinion though.
Stay pretty

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

T-shirt tuesday Times two

So i didn't put one up last week so here are two from the website Poketo.

For 100 dollars you can get a grab bag of 8 of their shirts in any size you want. It's pretty chill.

Stay pretty

Monday, March 30, 2009

boom! that just happened

So apparently there was a magnitude four point four earthquake in San Francisco today. Which means that the mega push is most likely coming. So everybody brace yourself, because you'll probably be dead in a couple days.
Anyways, if you don't know what the mega push is than you should Google it. It will most likely make you want to hide under your table. But that won't help!
On a happier note my art is going really well and I'll put some pictures up soon.

Stay pretty.

uhhh i can explain

So for my loyal four followers, im very sorry that i haven't posted anything in forever. Heres a pretty picture to make you feel better.
I really like the feathers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

awesometown is awesome

I've been a fan of Fontanelle Gallery on Pine street (kiddie corner to Stump town) Since a couple of months ago when i happened to stumble upon it. The people there are quite possibly the nicest people you can meet, and there is a continual stream of amazing artwork flowing through there doors most every day. They have this amazing thing in the back of the shop called the parlour, where they sell hand crafted items as well as art, for ridiculously cheap prices. One of my favorite favorite pieces is by the group Wonder Thunder based in Seattle Washington.

It's called the angry toast and it's a pillow.
I love it. So if you get the chance be sure to check out the gallery. Their next show is curated by the always amazing Ryan Jacob Smith.
That's it for now. Stay pretty.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When i was a boy i was who i am now.

Have you seen the new Where The Wild Things Are poster? Pretty much amazing. I'm not sure how the movie is going to turn out, but it seems at first glance to be really beautiful cinematography. Granted I'm just going off of screen shots.
It just makes me happy.

T-shirt teusdays(except it's wednesday)

This shirt made me laugh. It's by this lovely illustrator.

Her actual name is Ginette Lapalme and as well as making sweet tshirts she also makes some really good art.

That's it for now. Stay pretty

Saturday, March 14, 2009

when life gives you splatters you make it a picture.

I painted this a while back and thought you guys might want to see it.

Friday, March 13, 2009


The artist Eiko Ishizawa, based out of Amsterdam designed and created the Bear Bag. A sleeping bag that covers your head and makes you look like a bear! It's hard to describe in words so here are pictures.
I want one so bad! Although it would be a little creepy to act like you were sleeping inside a bear. Oh well. I still want it.

keep it going.

after this blog i will officially be nine blogs away from the fifty blogs mark.
So here are some interesting things with the number five in them

1 in 5000 north atlantic lobsters are blue.
7,5 million toothpicks can be created with one corn of wood
On average there are 175 sesame seeds on the bun of mcdonalds big mac.
and finally...
Liberace has the worlds largest rhinestone wheighing 59 pounds. It is almost a foot in diameter.
Stay pretty.

Where did you hear about this!?!

Just over heard while walking throught the halls.
You ready?

"Yeah dude, and then his rectum exploded!"

Don't you just love teenagers?
I don't.

Freaking awesome Friday times two

This is Theo Ellsworth. He draws Some extremely detailed pictures with pen, and then he colored pencils over them. Their really just amazingly well crafted. I especcialy like all of the creatures.

And since it's a twofer, here's a website you should check out as well as Theo's--->

That's it for now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

speech impedimedimedimedimedints

How awesome would it be if everyone started reffering to their blogs as there Blags?
Then you would have millions of people going around saying blag,blag,blag all day.
It's really just more fun to say.

congrats on the whole fame thing

I bought these guys' album yesterday ( their the band Starf**er ) and it's freaking awesome.
That's about it.


You know that your blog is woefully under read, when you join it just to make the followers numbers higher.
At least I'm not making fake identities yet.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

why are you still here?

Anyone else really dislike the O.L.C.C ? I sure do. Mainly for the fact that they did this.

Christie Scott, the public affairs specialist for the OLCC, said that the new amendment would be completely voluntary for venue-owners.
“It would merely give them the option - not to mention the guidelines - for mixed-age events,”

So here's my problem with this. Why would you make this voluntary? By making it so that the clubs have to get them you make it so, they don't HAVE to have all ages show, they just can if they want to.
It just seems silly to me, that owners are willing to pay for a liquor license but not make it so that some of their shows were all ages. Plus the fact that these laws have to do with music venues and not bars. In the end i don't think one or two all ages shows are going to really, really damage how much money you make. There's a massive amount of kids under the age of 21 who are willing and ready to pay to see their favorite bands, and you think that it's a good idea to shut them all out because you can make more money from Alcohol?
I'm not an expert but i just think that we the city of portland could use some more all ages shows, instead of having to crowd into a tiny house.
short version is that we should have alot more all ages venues.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

t-shirt tuesday

it's that time of the week again!
This is by Gamma Go, and yes it's on a t-shirt. Pretty freaking awesome, i think.
buy it here--->

Monday, March 9, 2009

make it to the moon if i have to crawl

I want to be the last starfighter so badly it's not even funny.


Today i was telling my mom how scientists in Malaysia have made it so that dinosaur genes can be implanted on chickens, and my mom looked at me with a completely straight face and said,
" Well were did they find dinosaur Jeans? denim doesn't last nearly that long"
Proving once again that my mother is hilarious.

no honestly i don't do this all the time.

yeah....... That's what happens when you let people paint your face.
It was actually kind of awesome. Mainly cause i'm a mother flipping
And my eyebrows are extra luscious. Yeah O.K so it's actually really awesome.

the hook ups and the down lows.

So Me and my friends have decided to go on a tour/roving artists/camping trip this summer for a week and a half. SURPRISE MOM!
Anyways we're just going to go up and down the coast of Oregon and California and Washington. So far it's going to be seven people and they're all going to be part of either the band or setting up, or merch. table or something important.
It's probs going to be tots radical.
tots=totally by the way and if you aren't using it yet you should.
So that's what happening in my life.

messed up.

so apparently sammy the salamander is actually a newt.
Kind of a debbie downer. I gues he'll have to be renamed. I'm thinking Nathaniel or Norton would be the best ones but I'm open to suggestions.

Friday, March 6, 2009

it happens

my mom hates it when i say this, and it makes me laugh really hard because in my opinion it works for most everything that someone says to you when they are ranting about something.
" i got in a car crash "
" my dog died"
" dude that guy just got stabbed!"

and so forth.

Sharks, and eagles and kittens oh snap!

This is a fake C.D cover that i made in graphic art. I really like how it came out.

cute+ creepy+sad=this post

can you imagine the person who would actually pay to have this done?
I could.
And i want to give them a hug.

hell hath no fury like a mother who got the wrong thing.

yesterday my mom went to pick up shirts for our our dance companies young ones, and miscellaneous other people. We left ridiculously early for class, and we picked up everything we need and then we went to class. We got there and one of the little ones parents asked for a t-shirt so my mom opened up the box that they had placed them in.... and there were sweaters. Sweater, upon sweater, upon sweater filled the box. It was like opening a box that you thought was filled with flowers, and finding out it was filled with bees. With lasers attached to them.
Needless to say my mother actually almost killed somebody.
The moral of the story, is don't mess with mothers, who have to take care of fifteen screaming children who all need shirts.
Or better yet just don't mess with my mother.
Because you will die.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

catch of the day.

thought this picture was awesome.

Can you imagine eating that thing? You would have left-overs for months.

Or maybe the guy is just having a crazy party. Hope he has a BIG stove.

the walk home was extra special

his names sammy. I found himwalking home today.
Isn't he just precious?

why you don't get in fights with sea creatures

Their all friends with these guys.
And the last thing you want is to get it through the stomach with one of those bad boys.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

more birds of prey

Here's the link to raptor cam, by the way-->
Watch and be amazed!!!

Rest in peace

The Hush, quite possibly one of the coolest all ages venues in Portland was shut down this weekend due to their stunning lack of permits, for more or less anything. Fom what i was told, five police officers, two fire marshalls and a representative from the olcc showed up and told everyone, that even though they were having fun, they all need to leave, because did you know we're the fun nazis? It was kind of inevitiable, seeing as the place was kind of shifty, but it's still really depressing when such a good venue, that once again was ALL AGES gets shut down due to people feeling like they need to asert their authourity over teenagers, by telling them they need permits.
I'm just saying....
It's just sad, and lame. I hope that they find a new place to party it up, because the one thing this city needs is more all ages places, that don't blow chunks.
I'm talking to you the Coop.
more later
Stay pretty portland

talons of awesomely goodness

Did you know K.G.W the news channel offers a round the clock view of birds of prey ?
it's true.
plus it's called raptor cam, which makes it a million times better. Not much is happening right now but I'm pretty sure that I'll soon see a bird of presy swoop down, and be majestic.
I'm sure of it...

T shirt tuesday

Yay! It's time for a new t-shirt.
Heck yes i decided to do T-shirt Tuesday.
Today's is from the artist Keith Shore, who i believe is based in California (don't quote me) It's pretty much awesome.
Here it is.

It's cats high fiving, and it's puntastic. You can buy it here-->
That's it for now. Till later, stay pretty.

Monday, March 2, 2009


not much to say other than

The most dangerous creature in the sea. SEcond only to the rare laser giant octopus.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I told my mom i would post more of my own stuff, but now I'm going to post something else

I am in love with these pictures and i don't know why.

so they enforce drugs?

I find it really funny that the D.E.A stands for drug enforcement agency. So are they enforcing drugs? Is that it? Because Ithought that, that was what they were supposed to be doing the opposite of. Obviously our government can pay millions of dollars to buy superfluous guns that shoot hacky-sacks, but we can't hire someone with an English major.

every noodle I've ever had has been delicious.

So did you know that it's national noodle appreciation month? yeah i know what you're saying : FREAKING AWESOME! My mom told me this morning, and it pretty much made my day. So everyone go get noodles, and appreciate them, as you slurp them down.

It's also youth art appreciation month so......

There's my art. Appreciate it!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Free gums

So it's at this time that i would like to tell you all that I am a T-shirt addict. I can't stop, it's like a horrible disease of awesome. So to cope with the fact that i have to stop buying t-shirts (yeah that'll happen) I want you guys to see the awesome t-shirts being created by free gums. They're all amazing (oooh t-shirt tuesday mayhaps? I'll get back to that) and I want all of them. Too bad i can't. Here's one of the designs, I'm really liking-------------------------------------------->
And here's the website-->

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bear attack

I googled bears and this was the first thing i saw
A pretty accurate description of them i think.


So I don't know if you know this but.....

!!!!!! TOMMOROW!!!!!!!


THE HUSH (above the tube)



Yeah so everyone should go, and make the floor almost cave in, like last time. Yeah, that was awesome.This is what you and Charlie, the lead singer will look like at the end.


I do believe that school is officially the reason why I am so artistically drained. Being put into boxes so i can be squeezed into a perfect mold, is so unbelievably depressing and soul crushing It's kind of ridiculous. So i thought i would show you guys this.