Friday, March 6, 2009

hell hath no fury like a mother who got the wrong thing.

yesterday my mom went to pick up shirts for our our dance companies young ones, and miscellaneous other people. We left ridiculously early for class, and we picked up everything we need and then we went to class. We got there and one of the little ones parents asked for a t-shirt so my mom opened up the box that they had placed them in.... and there were sweaters. Sweater, upon sweater, upon sweater filled the box. It was like opening a box that you thought was filled with flowers, and finding out it was filled with bees. With lasers attached to them.
Needless to say my mother actually almost killed somebody.
The moral of the story, is don't mess with mothers, who have to take care of fifteen screaming children who all need shirts.
Or better yet just don't mess with my mother.
Because you will die.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that I was that scary. I'm kinda glad, yet kinda creeped out that I scare people that much. Ahh, well...

    Whaddaya gonna do? When life hands you sweatshirts instead of t-shirts, you can't really make lemonade, if I can mix my metaphors for a moment. So you yell. *shrug*
