Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rest in peace

The Hush, quite possibly one of the coolest all ages venues in Portland was shut down this weekend due to their stunning lack of permits, for more or less anything. Fom what i was told, five police officers, two fire marshalls and a representative from the olcc showed up and told everyone, that even though they were having fun, they all need to leave, because did you know we're the fun nazis? It was kind of inevitiable, seeing as the place was kind of shifty, but it's still really depressing when such a good venue, that once again was ALL AGES gets shut down due to people feeling like they need to asert their authourity over teenagers, by telling them they need permits.
I'm just saying....
It's just sad, and lame. I hope that they find a new place to party it up, because the one thing this city needs is more all ages places, that don't blow chunks.
I'm talking to you the Coop.
more later
Stay pretty portland

1 comment:

  1. uhh...duhhhh. Of course it got shut down. They had way too many people in the building and since it was only permitted as an apartment not a venue. We all saw this coming for ages, I'm surprised it didn't happe earlier. It's not about them needing to assert their authority, it's about safety. It is too bad, but other places will pop up in it's place.
