Thursday, May 21, 2009

sorry mom

yeah so i haven't posted in a whole eighteen days and apparently that is way too many days, for all five followers. So here's the deal. I've been sort of busy, is the excuse I'm gonna go with on this one. Here's what I've been doing.
In bullet points. Ready?
Here we go.
  • I saw No Age, a really good band. Pictures will be up soon.
  • Went to the U.F.O festival and saw crazy people and crazy vans.
  • Played on train tracks at the U.F.O festival.
  • practiced with my band ALOT.
  • Worked in the mornings before school, which is always fun (too bad sarcasm doesn't work on the interwebs)
  • Sitting in my room painting.
  • I graduate from this weird thing called high school in about 4 days. But who's counting?
  • Going to Mount Tabor with my friends and laying in the sun while people play guitar.
  • Planning a tour/camping trip with all my bros.
  • badmouthing Kanye!
  • Partying on the moon.
  • Not really but I can always dream can't I?
  • CANT I?!?!?!?

That's it for now. Stay pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Jealousy. I wanted to go to No Age soooo bad.
