Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Photoshop fun.

yeah... this is what I do when I get done with things in class.

Don't judge me.
Don't you dare judge me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My new stufff and junk

Hey guys I know you're all dying to see stuff that i create so here are some pretty pictures. Hope you enjoy them!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Gideon Chase

These very funny, very detailed wonderful paintings are the work of talented artist Gideon Chase. Yes that is his real name. Yes it is awesome. I really like them for reasons that I am not entirely sure of right now. I know that the craftsmanship is amazing, and i really love the use of color and textures, and their are some really funny ones in there as well. Here are some pics and a linkypoo to his temporary website, till he makes something prettier.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


If you have been reading the blog at all (ha ha... yeah right. Yeah right) you know that I really enjoy artists that create fantastical landscapes and characters. This is why I am in love with the duo of Apak. Coming out of Portland Aaron Piland and Ayumi Kajikawa, are the amazing magical duo behind team Apak. Their characters are adorable and mysterious. Their worlds are filled with lush landscapes, geometric houses and crystalline objects jutting out from various places. There is also the fact that all of their paintings are tiny. Like redonkulously tiny. I have a huge amount of respect for that. They just make me happy.

I especially like that in the first one he's reading to little tiny hedgehogs.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Theo Ellsworth

The above are two drawings by the extremely talented/imaginative man named Theo Ellsworth. He's a Portland based art machine, who also helps run the incredibly fun, incredibly non pretentious art gallery/ store, Pony club, with the help of a clutch of other very talented artists. I have been a fan of his work since grade seven and continue to love everything about it. The colors, the texture the insane amount of detail. It's all pretty mind blowing to me. I also love how he creates little surreal worlds you can become lost in for hours. Anyways, here's a link to his blog, and his still in process website.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Music Break: Theopilus London

Sometimes I listen to music, and right now I'm really enjoying this video by the rapper(?) Theopilus London. It's for his song Humdrum town which sort of fuses rap, pop music, and dance floor beats, to create an awesomely awesome song, that I've kind of been listening to on repeat for a day or... twelve. It's also got really good art direction, with an old school, vhs vibe running through the entire thing

Monday, April 5, 2010

Stacy Rozich

So I was browsing the other day (oh my god have you guys been to the boooooooom website? Oh my god it's like, the best) and i came across the work of Seattle based Stacey Rozich. It's pretty stunning, and definitely eye candy, but her actual thought proccess behind the work is even cooler. See, I did me some research, and came across a mini interview she did with another art based website She has created her own personal narrative behind each piece she creates and then left it up to the viewer to figure out what that story is. In doing so she makes each piece personal to the viewer. For instance, when i look at the pictures i think of shamans and overlords and native american deities. Here are some pictures of her work, and links to both the booooooom website and the fecalface interview.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Betsy Walton

Betsy Walton is a Kansas born, now Portland based artist who makes some pretty incredible paintings. A mix of heavily saturated colors, angular geometric lines and shapes, and natural landscapes and characters, they are sort of abstracted delineated portraits of surreal places and designs. She paints with gouache, which has always been an extremely difficult medium for me, so these paintings are doubly impressive when i think of all the work that must be put in to them. She has designed for Poketo, done covers for The Portland Mercury, Collaborated with Irana Douer, and made a crap ton of awesome art. Here are some pictures of her work, and a link to her website. Stay pretty.