Thursday, April 30, 2009

i think this is turning in to a problem.

i almost squealed like a little girl when i saw this. I realized i was in the middle of a class though so i decided not to.

Monday, April 27, 2009

we have the technology

what do you get when you cross an eagle and a lion?
The ultimate predator. It breathes fire too.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Artists profile- A.J Fosik

Crafting amazing diety like sculptures out of wood, nails and paint, A.J Fosik's work is something to stare at for hours and never get bored with. Here's just one of his peices.
Yes is is beautiful. Here is his flicker pager.--->
Stap pretty.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

yeah i did that.

This is what i do when I'm bored in class.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


He's all like " Whoa my bad bro!" and cute and stuff

t-shirt wednsday?

It's not nearly as rhyme oriented but I completly forgot to post yesterday (thank you julie!) so here are some awesome ones.

The second is by
That's it for now. Stay pretty

Monday, April 20, 2009


not like pharmaceuticals, but the technological thing, you can draw with. I'm using one right now, and I'm not sure whether to love it or hate it. The style I'm getting is alot more sketchy than my usual drawings, but it's kind of interesting to look at. Using it is nothing like using actual pen and paper, but it's not that different from painting, in that it's difficult and really annoyinh if you mess up.
Over all I give them a five out of ten.
Near my school we also have eagles nesting and it's really cool to see them flying around.
That's it for now.
Stay pretty

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I heart Sam Rockwell

He has this new movie that looks absolutely amazing. Here's a link to the trailer.

I'm almost as pumped for this as i am for Where the wild things are.

Here's the trailer onYoutube-->

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I've got nothing better to do

I took a trip to Philadelphia for an entire week but who's talking?
If you don't know, I'm an Irish dancer and I spent the week at the world championships in Philadelphia, freaking out, and then dancing. If you're not aware (a staggering number of people are ) Irish dance is actually a huge sport. It's also amazing, and tiring, and stressful, and facetious, and all around one of the most mentally, and physicaly exhausting things you can choose to committ yourself too.
I love it more than I could possibly describe in words.
After eleven years of doing it though, I had decided that for some reason, this was going to be my last competition. I think it was because, after dealing with all of the emotional baggage that comes with dance i was just tired. I was done with doing it for the judges, or for my teacher or for my parents. While I tried to convince myself that really in the end I was doing it for myself, I really was doing it for them. What had started out in the beginning as something that made me so happy i couldn't stop moving my feet, had turned into something I didn't want it to be.
It stopped being fun.
So I set a personal goal of just dancing the best I could at Worlds and really not caring what the others said, and I worked.
I worked, and worked, and worked.
And when i got to the competition i really felt like I was ready to get up on that stage and just show everyone how much I had improved. It suddenly became about me again. Not anyone else. Then it suddenly became fun again, and i can't tell you how amazing it was to walk on to that stage and see all of my friends and my mom up on the balcony, rooting for me.I finally figured out why I danced for them.Because it made me fell so happy to have people who no matter what you do in life, they support you. As long as you put one hundred percent in to it they'll be on your side. I felt like I could do anything. I didn't care about the judges. I was not afraid of the other people I was dancing with, I was just happy that i was dancing.
In the end I didn't do very well. But it didn't matter to me because I had accomplished my goal. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue doing majors, or if I'm even going to continue really doing competitions at all, but what I do know is that I got what i wanted back.
I got back my happy feet.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

i loled my pants

Dune is one of my favorite books, and i just found this T-shirt

You can buy it here--->

wait, this can't be right

Some fancy pants politician just recently said, that instead of something being done to the famous Made in Oregon light up sign with a deer on it, or instead of just keeping it the way it is, we should just take it down. She said that her reasoning behind this, was the fact that the deer is of course a symbol of christmas and so it might offend people of different religions.
Last time i checked deers don't have a whole lot to do with the birth of Christ.
Personally it seems like changing the sign so that it says anything other than what it has said for such a long time, is just silly. Like taking Powells bookstore, and changing it to the Portland state bookstore. It's a landmark and changing it jsut confuses people, and makes the ones who actually knew what it was before it changed, just not want to live here for fear of having all the famous landmarks changed.
That's my opinion though.
Stay pretty