Saturday, February 28, 2009

Free gums

So it's at this time that i would like to tell you all that I am a T-shirt addict. I can't stop, it's like a horrible disease of awesome. So to cope with the fact that i have to stop buying t-shirts (yeah that'll happen) I want you guys to see the awesome t-shirts being created by free gums. They're all amazing (oooh t-shirt tuesday mayhaps? I'll get back to that) and I want all of them. Too bad i can't. Here's one of the designs, I'm really liking-------------------------------------------->
And here's the website-->

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bear attack

I googled bears and this was the first thing i saw
A pretty accurate description of them i think.


So I don't know if you know this but.....

!!!!!! TOMMOROW!!!!!!!


THE HUSH (above the tube)



Yeah so everyone should go, and make the floor almost cave in, like last time. Yeah, that was awesome.This is what you and Charlie, the lead singer will look like at the end.


I do believe that school is officially the reason why I am so artistically drained. Being put into boxes so i can be squeezed into a perfect mold, is so unbelievably depressing and soul crushing It's kind of ridiculous. So i thought i would show you guys this.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

my friends...


bjork love

I'm pretty much in love with every music video ever created by Bjork ever. My favorite is this-

It will blow your freaking mind!
By the way the video is directed by one of my favorite directors Michel Gondry. It's also an actual art installation, that works.
Yeah! I know!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


if you think naked bodies are weird, or innapropriate don't look at Ryan McGinleys work. If however you think the body is a beautiful thing, take a gander. It's quite amazing, and I'm really liking it. This is just one of the photographs, and it doesn't really do him justice.
You'll see what i mean

Friday, February 20, 2009


I am not sure wat to think of this, other than the fact that i would never do it. An interesting take on time, and its influences on the brain, our thought process, and our emotions, and how they are all connected.

Yeah it's ridiculously long. Deal with it.

I can't stop it's like a disease.

Basically sums it up really quick.
By the way, I'm really liking this whole blogging thing.

freaking awesome fridays.

So i just decided that I'm gonna post something really awesome , like extra spectacularly awesome on fridays. It will most likely involve art, or cute things, because that's just how i roll.
This week i thought that the art of the Clayton Brothers was freaking awesome. I want you all to see that (and by all i really mean me) this pair are creating some of the most vivid, techinocolory inspiring work i've seen in a while. I've been mesmerized by the art since John Trippe over at put up a link. All their picures are copyrighted, which is awesome, because it means i can't take one and put it up hers, so just go to the website: That's it for now.

Fresh new blog smell.

So i know that not many people actually care about blogs, anymore, because they have more or less become dead, but in all honesty it's a really soothing way to get out thoughts and ideas, and to just yell at people who you hate, or tell someone you really like what their doing. Anayways i'm almost certain that no one will read this but, i still wanted to make it.
So i did.
In conclusion, the name of this blog basically tells you everything you need to know about me. I want to be your friend and i would appreciate it if you would be mine. So thanks.
Talk to you later
So i haven't posted anything in a while, and i know that no one reads this, so that's probably why. Anywhosies, i just thought i woulod share this tidbit with you. It makes me laugh alot.
Proving once again that sometimes smothering people is actually funny, and not "one flew over the cuckoos nest" terrifying.

Midnight Callers

So the midnight callers single is on iTunes RIGHT NOW!! So you should check it out. Since it is part of the new iTunes they are all without DRM and you can put it on any device and burn it as many times as you want. The picture is a direct link to iTunes. They are two good songs and sound much more polished than the first time I heard them. Congrats to the band for getting signed to Fetish Pop. Hopefully you guys will keep making good stuff and maybe try to branch out with your style and not have every song sound the same. And Dave! No more songs about girls OK? We get it sadness is easy to write about, but your not an emo band so get over and write songs about drinkin' and explosions and laserz. Have fun this weekend with your two shows. (this was written by Brendan O'Connell, and moved from a different blog)